still luckless

my cheesecake became a cheese pie!! made a wrong estimation of getting too large a pan to bake my cake.. the filling for the cake was spread out onto the pan and hence became too shallow... the 'cake' was only 1 third thick.. it had the propotion of 1/2 of crust and the next 1/2 made of cheese.. so imagine this.. a biscult coated with cheese.. that's how my cake appeared..
also put in too much oreo cookies that the colour turned out grey!! this is wat happens when u refuse the recipe and do your own estimation. so cream-colour to grey.. GROSS!! it actually reminds me of a seqment in extreme japan where the comperes where eating some squid ice-cream.. the texture and colour is so like tt..
wanted things fast, hence had the cake put in the freezer so that it sets faster.. impatience gets u nowhere.. yes.. it hardened fast... but due to the haste, the texture was leaning towards gum.. guess it was the long bus that soften the cake abit.. any longer in the freezer would have made it a cheese brick!!
only the taste saved me the blushes.. at least it still tasted like cheesecake... Philadelphia cheese.. your product is right on spot!! thank goodness it tasted alright.. with skills like mine.. think its best i stay off baking for awhile.. a long while..
back to mahjong....
wanted to impress with my bakery skills.. but think its a fruitless attempt.. became a laughing topic instead for my frens.. o well.. wats new.. at least they tried it (after cutting it, or rather breaking it and then brining it to their faces!!).
since i recieved an F in the kitchen.. i went back to Mahjong!! i could hardly believe my luck!! i didnt throw out the winning tiles.. but neither did i really win big games.. there were times where i had all the 'flowers' to win but i just cant seem to find the finishing touches.. even when i want to win somall.. i always was beaten to it.. worst was when i had a beautiful hand.. i mean really beautiful opening.. where i had 2 'zhong', 2 'blanks', 2 'fa cais', countless flowers and animals and a whole bamboo suit.. i couldnt win!!! right from the v beginning.. i just had to wait for the right cards to be thrown out and then just wait to declare winner.. but that too didnt realise!!! my goodness.. i;m still actually bleeding internally till now.. simply cox this are openings that so far i had nv gotten before.. o well.. when it comes to gambling.. u win some and u definately have to lose some.. theres 2 sides of the coin that u will face.. again.. i was the main bank... the only loser of the night.. with some luck, my debt was cleared by my friend's aunt... so sweet.. she wanted no losers in the house since it was the new year.. so everyone should be happy.. so mayb that was some luck??!!
1 more week of CNY.. maybe another try some time in the week.. or not.. mahjong is a game that is popular during CNY.. so just following the tradition.. haaa... ok.. will quit it after that..
*fingers crossed*
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