Giving new defination to words..

U see, the calls get these days are not calls of concerns abt me!! i mean, i'm fine being the listening ear and everythin.. really.. use me to fill in your 'extra' time. no prob.. but recently, my line has been a hotline number for jokes for the day.. mayb i hav a blog now and am 'advertising' my misfortunes to the world, so i am getting much more attention from frens.. and also, i realised how sorry i am.. haaa... mayb the accidents i'm having does tickles and make u laugh.. they do for me though only after i'm over with the anguish that the accidents bring initially... but instead of calls to ask how am i ( i did swallow a CHICKEN bone), i get phone calls that opens, 'hey, so which part was it? the wing or the drumstick!!' or 'so i am curious, did Jen managed to go to the toliet in the end?' this line was from China, my fren's sis asked abt me thru my fren.. ( i broke my right foot the other time becox i tripped over my own left foot while running to the toliet.. yes.. sad..). calls are flooding in to add salt to my injury!! i have a stupid fren-- Xiaowei-- who even joked that if she was to choke on tofu, my next accident would be very much more dramatic; i would slip and crash into a tofu!! and asked, 'so which dog was it that pee-ed??' (recently i slipped on my dog's pee.). how i hate u!! haaa...
I have fren who has a quiz time on his blog that asks a few qns,
1) whats a common bone to choke on? ans --fish bone
2) whats the stupidest and most uncommon bone to choke on ever? ans--chicken bone.. (but u are not jen so u wont appreciate this joke.. ) ahhh... i'm the butt at all jokes these days.. my fren even said mayb she should consider having my link in her blog but under the heading--JOKES!!
While time and again, i refuse to say that i am cursed... (i hav a grp of frens who gave me a nickname in the U, 'The Walking Curse'). there are times that i feel alittle too 'lucky'.. but i always say, 'They are purely coincidences. PURE COINCIDENCE!! period!!'.... many frens of mine (wonder if we should still be frens??!!!), think otherwise.. they say i give new meaning to many words, esply SUAI (unlucy in dialect) and COINCIDENCE.
Common Meanings (accepted by the masses)
SUAI= unlucky
Coincidence= an accidental occurence
Meanings accepted by Jen's frens (Redefined, thanx to Jen)
Suai= unlucky and the unluckiness brought abt by Jen is contagious...
Coincidence= when jen's around, its too much an accidental occurence, its become a norm..
The stories behind it (specially selected cos there are so many cases that can be highligted):
Was staying in the same hostel with my fren (Prince George Park-PGP).. frens have been coming over to study together regularly.. as usual i was experiencing my 'lucky' days.. eg, getting locked out of my room, or my matric card cant work in the lift so i took the stairs to find out that the door of my level's stairs is locked while the other floors are unlocked..
- Then, one after another, they too started to expereince bad days as well.. my fren picked a rotten egg in the fridge when there were rows of eggs to choose from... the one and only egg that was rotten!! and it was broken into our 1 and only cup noodle to last us through our night mugging..
- Fren's bed sheets were stolen.. but pillow cases are intact... we only just met not too long.
- There was a time when it kept raining whenever i set foot in the range or when i am planning somethin that requires sunny conditions, eg my bday bash..
- Fren's bf saw me and greeted me while he was blading at east coast.. i was there to attend a fren's birthday.. the beach is so big.. but we still met on that fateful day.. and the place that we met was quite ulu (remote). then we parted ways. later he fell down, he's quite a skater and he rarely falls down, or so thats what he claims.. then fren called him to check on him, he said he had a fall. fren said, 'how come?? u are a pro on blades leh.'... after a very long pause, he continued, 'dunno if i should say this, but....... i just saw Jen'.... ahhhhhhh......... so all the blame was shifted to me... gosh..
ENOUGH GUYS.. give me a break!!!!!!!! ("/)....
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