the stale chicken bone episode (chicky probem)
went for my check up again to check on that dumb bone.. and to finally know if the ans.. 'is that damn bone still in me??!!'.
ANS: ITS GONE!!! but it left scratches in my throat...
so i paid $20 just to see this piece of paper that is packed along with my x-ray (that barium-swallow test) that wrote, 'no foreign object found'. i had mixed emotions though.. after all i went thru.. the nasal scope, the normal x-rays, the barium-swallow etc.. all the drama, all the hype, i expected a more dramatic ending.. haa.. who am i kidding, i'll faint man if i realised that the bone and grown together with my normal bones (joking, a creative thinkin on my part). but u know, its like a movie, the trailer's good, the storyline seems promising then the ending.. fail.... ok.. but i honestly dont want anymore complications with this bone..
i've been the butt of most jokes lately. been wildly used as a discussion topic with some of my frens, mayb used as a forum thread!! even the doc at the check up had a kick at it while examining me during the check up.. my usual doc wasnt around.. mayb on sick leave or mayb dissapointed that there was nothing interesting with my episode and decided to move on.. when i went into the room, the doc went like, 'was the chicken that delicious? so which part actually did u manage to swallow? chiken bones' are quite big u know..'.. he was trying his best not to laugh out loud though.. i could tell. but his tone became more and more amused with each line.. i choked while trying to explain myself... the attedning nurse was trying to look real engrossed with my file thruoghout so as not to have direct eye contact with me, in case she lose it too.. hiaz.. i gave up trying to explain to the doc.. 'give up, i'm fighting a losing battle anyway.'. how can i ever expalin y i swallowed that bone? its like i ever know why i would trip while just walkin? its a 'gift' a 'talent'?
was told umpteen times that i am accident-prone and that i should consider investing heavily into insurance to ensure myself longevity.. i may even strike rich with all the claims i can make through my acccidents.. just keep falling down, do my swallowing acts and do my claims.. i could be rich in no time.. like those divorcee who lives on alimony.. i would live relatively well on insurance claims.. haaa..
my total bill for this stupid chicken bone is: $150 not including my transporatation fees and the cost of my trauma.. what an expensive chicken..
ANS: ITS GONE!!! but it left scratches in my throat...
so i paid $20 just to see this piece of paper that is packed along with my x-ray (that barium-swallow test) that wrote, 'no foreign object found'. i had mixed emotions though.. after all i went thru.. the nasal scope, the normal x-rays, the barium-swallow etc.. all the drama, all the hype, i expected a more dramatic ending.. haa.. who am i kidding, i'll faint man if i realised that the bone and grown together with my normal bones (joking, a creative thinkin on my part). but u know, its like a movie, the trailer's good, the storyline seems promising then the ending.. fail.... ok.. but i honestly dont want anymore complications with this bone..
i've been the butt of most jokes lately. been wildly used as a discussion topic with some of my frens, mayb used as a forum thread!! even the doc at the check up had a kick at it while examining me during the check up.. my usual doc wasnt around.. mayb on sick leave or mayb dissapointed that there was nothing interesting with my episode and decided to move on.. when i went into the room, the doc went like, 'was the chicken that delicious? so which part actually did u manage to swallow? chiken bones' are quite big u know..'.. he was trying his best not to laugh out loud though.. i could tell. but his tone became more and more amused with each line.. i choked while trying to explain myself... the attedning nurse was trying to look real engrossed with my file thruoghout so as not to have direct eye contact with me, in case she lose it too.. hiaz.. i gave up trying to explain to the doc.. 'give up, i'm fighting a losing battle anyway.'. how can i ever expalin y i swallowed that bone? its like i ever know why i would trip while just walkin? its a 'gift' a 'talent'?
was told umpteen times that i am accident-prone and that i should consider investing heavily into insurance to ensure myself longevity.. i may even strike rich with all the claims i can make through my acccidents.. just keep falling down, do my swallowing acts and do my claims.. i could be rich in no time.. like those divorcee who lives on alimony.. i would live relatively well on insurance claims.. haaa..

my total bill for this stupid chicken bone is: $150 not including my transporatation fees and the cost of my trauma.. what an expensive chicken..
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