Pictures.. and of course.. my 2 cents worth..

the foot that caused me so much pain.. can u see the left foot being so much more 'bigger' than the right foot? this is the pic of the side profile to show the distinct soreness.. and the wound that never seems to wanna dry up or heal... and then.. got inflamed!!

the cylinder it is abt 15cm long.. i have to 'absorb' abt 100ml of anti-biotics dilluted in sodium chloride.. than i have another 50ml of sodium chloride 'flushed' into my system after that tedious 'absorbtion'. because of the pain it causes me, i always ask for the speed of the drip to be reduced. so it takes abt 1.5-2 hrs for the whole procedure.. sorry.. cant help it.. the drip really hurts.. even the nurse knows that.. the concentration of the anti-biotics is strong...
and the plug inserted into my hand..
everytime after a meal, i have to be put on drip.. hence, i find every meal like the last meal.. like to satisfy me before the torture begins.. cant help but sulk everythime i see the nurse with the tray full of syringes... every 6 hrs.. i hav to endure this.. and i wonder.. those pain-killers that i take.. are they for my leg wounds or the drip..
this is how long the plug is.. i found out that the tube is made of plastic.. damn.. how can plastic be inserted into me just like that.. this really can immobilize me.. abt 3cm long.. and the nurse still say its very short already.. oh my goodness... there are longer ones??!!
me in my pjs.. no lah.. my hospital gown.. see that green arm tag... mine's green cox i need assistance.. hav difficulty in moving..
my bandaged up wounds..
with the jab taken on my left arm.. and the tube inserted into my left hand, look how puffed up it is.. and the banged up knee and swollen foot.. my left-side of my body seem real screwed up..
the fruit baskets... from Daniel and Ting Yue.. fruits put in the fridge liao... the hamper's from my company.. haa.. already.. i am reaping the company's benefits.. paid leave and fruit basket..
can u believe this.. bird nest from... LIM XIAOWEI!!! so touched..
my medication... my bill... my Hospital Leave, 11 days.... my diagnosis...
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