Armchair Critic....
ok.. its always easy to crticise the bad while actually saying, 'its good' has the exact same no of syllabus as, 'its bad.'... wats more.. a frown uses more muscles than a smile.. so to critise.. its actually; technically speaking; physically harder than praising...
Singapore Idol=Campus Superstar??
Did u guys see the lastest advert for Singapore Idol!! DEJA VU.. doesnt it remind you of the recently ended Campus Superstar ad as well?? they were gathered around a huge sign board with their names sprayed on it.. I am wondering.. is it the same board used after the other show (campus superstar) ended?? were the producers running out of ideas? or were they just enviromentally friendly, that they decided to recycle??
my 2-cents worth..
I always though that people in the media line is all about creativity.. wats more, if u belong to the advertising line.. u are the word CREATIVE!! hmmmm
Derma Bust Serum for all the MANLY shows...
hmmm. its werid to see that a bust serum; a gel to enhance your erhum.. to be a huge twin towers would be the proud sponsor of male-orientated shows.. I recall quite a some time back, it was also the sponsor for a Men's Variety show.. It was a show that aims to aid men on how to stay 'beautiful'... Now, this brand of gel is the main sponsor of another Mens CID drama serial.. hmmm..
my 2-cents worth...
i always though that the sponosrs normally would support shows or events that has a close relation with their products. eg, a slimming centre would definately sponsor a variet show call, 'How to lose weight the easy way similarly a car company would for a a show car exhibition.
ok.. I am currently forced by my work to be at my desk. so i am being a piece of lard sitting at my desk.. typin this.. everyone wants a say at things.. so heres mine..
Singapore Idol=Campus Superstar??
Did u guys see the lastest advert for Singapore Idol!! DEJA VU.. doesnt it remind you of the recently ended Campus Superstar ad as well?? they were gathered around a huge sign board with their names sprayed on it.. I am wondering.. is it the same board used after the other show (campus superstar) ended?? were the producers running out of ideas? or were they just enviromentally friendly, that they decided to recycle??
my 2-cents worth..
I always though that people in the media line is all about creativity.. wats more, if u belong to the advertising line.. u are the word CREATIVE!! hmmmm
Derma Bust Serum for all the MANLY shows...
hmmm. its werid to see that a bust serum; a gel to enhance your erhum.. to be a huge twin towers would be the proud sponsor of male-orientated shows.. I recall quite a some time back, it was also the sponsor for a Men's Variety show.. It was a show that aims to aid men on how to stay 'beautiful'... Now, this brand of gel is the main sponsor of another Mens CID drama serial.. hmmm..
my 2-cents worth...
i always though that the sponosrs normally would support shows or events that has a close relation with their products. eg, a slimming centre would definately sponsor a variet show call, 'How to lose weight the easy way similarly a car company would for a a show car exhibition.
ok.. I am currently forced by my work to be at my desk. so i am being a piece of lard sitting at my desk.. typin this.. everyone wants a say at things.. so heres mine..