Life's challenging

would it be 'days of my loser life' or 'days of my loser life continues' would the script change?

Location: Singapore

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Tortured before going for AGP

Bad habits are hard to change..

New Year's Resolutions...

Normally at the start of the year, we would like to have a new begining, hence, the thought of coming up w a New Year's Resolution. Its to remind oursleves, really, the DOs and the DONTs for the coming new year...

For me, its more like what to WATCH OUT for...

A friend of mine posted the following as my testimonial... Drawing up a list for me to follow..

hey Jen!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I got ur fortune read!
For You, 2007 will be a much better year than 2006 because:
1. U fell down so much in 2006 that it wont (hopefully) happen again in 2007!
2. And cuz u wont fall much this year, u'll most prob end up swallowing something funny (again).. which means can buy 4D! Sure STRIKE one!!!
3. Jokes aside,(archery sensitive topic better not joke ard or else she'll have my head) you have practiced ARCHERY for so many years, it'll definitely pay off this year!
4. Ai Ling is working sooo near ur house so she'll be able to disturb you more often-which will naturally make this year better! haha..
5. You'll be VERY RICH this year! (please refer to point 2 above)
6. Work - in 2006 when u first joined u were a newbie tt's y lotsa things to do. in 2007, u're the lao jiao already so it's time to designate jobs to poor lil' unsuspecting newbies! U cld be the A.M. from Hell [watch "The Devil Wears Prada]
(Quoted from my dearest fren, Ai Ling, or i maybe sued for plagarisim...)

weirdly, just when i read those first few lines esply when i read line 2, '...end up swallowing something funny...' i was actually at home, MC... WH??!!! I was suffering from food poisoning!!@#$%^&*.. didnt really know what i had eaten to cos a reaction from my body to vomit and shit all at nearly the same time.. and my medicine cost me $60!!! (should have just admitted myself to the hospital, haha.. nearly same price,$65,.. but i get more facilities..;p)

and thats how my new year was starting.... geee

LONG long time...

Ite been a real ong time since i written a post.. and due to that.. i actually forgot my username and my password.. If this had the same security system as my office's system, i would have been barred from entering.. i had typed more than 3 times to access this page.. Everything has a reason.. SO.....
Reason 1: Busy; honest, time just seems to pass so fast and how i wish i have more time....
Reason 2: LAZY; eh.. i am born in the year of a pig.. so.. yeah.. my nature...
Reason 3: uninspired... not because i had the lack of stories to tell. but rather, i didnt seem to be in the mood..
Anyway... i should be back...