Life's challenging

would it be 'days of my loser life' or 'days of my loser life continues' would the script change?

Location: Singapore

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Armchair Critic....

ok.. its always easy to crticise the bad while actually saying, 'its good' has the exact same no of syllabus as, 'its bad.'... wats more.. a frown uses more muscles than a smile.. so to critise.. its actually; technically speaking; physically harder than praising...

Singapore Idol=Campus Superstar??
Did u guys see the lastest advert for Singapore Idol!! DEJA VU.. doesnt it remind you of the recently ended Campus Superstar ad as well?? they were gathered around a huge sign board with their names sprayed on it.. I am wondering.. is it the same board used after the other show (campus superstar) ended?? were the producers running out of ideas? or were they just enviromentally friendly, that they decided to recycle??
my 2-cents worth..
I always though that people in the media line is all about creativity.. wats more, if u belong to the advertising line.. u are the word CREATIVE!! hmmmm

Derma Bust Serum for all the MANLY shows...
hmmm. its werid to see that a bust serum; a gel to enhance your erhum.. to be a huge twin towers would be the proud sponsor of male-orientated shows.. I recall quite a some time back, it was also the sponsor for a Men's Variety show.. It was a show that aims to aid men on how to stay 'beautiful'... Now, this brand of gel is the main sponsor of another Mens CID drama serial.. hmmm..
my 2-cents worth...
i always though that the sponosrs normally would support shows or events that has a close relation with their products. eg, a slimming centre would definately sponsor a variet show call, 'How to lose weight the easy way similarly a car company would for a a show car exhibition.

ok.. I am currently forced by my work to be at my desk. so i am being a piece of lard sitting at my desk.. typin this.. everyone wants a say at things.. so heres mine..

Saturday, May 27, 2006

to my loyal supporters..


havent been updating this blog of mine as i had been busy.. I have to deal with grassroots.. and they are not easy to handle.. so stressful.. cos they take whatever you say as the gospel truth and hold you responsible for it.. and words could be forced down your throat too.. they will claim you said this and this.. that and that.. but they say anything and when you bring it up against them, they feign ignorance.. hiaz.. u are at their beck and call.. they claim to be volunteers and i am a paid staff.. so i should do the work.. but the benefits they get are HUGE!! they volunteer becasue there are benefits.. the benefits may not be hard cash but who ever said that benefits must be only cash.. getting houses or cars are also great benefits (i am not saying they got either of these, house and cars)

and they are credit hoggers.. gosh.. of course, not all are that unreasonable.. it does get on your nerves at times. i mean all the time!!

i will update this blog.. rest assured.. when someone irritates me.. i will have it penned down here.. hmm.. then again.. there will be too many and it'll be frustrating reading them.. i want my blog to be a blog that i can look back and laugh.. to reminisce my past and see how dumb i was..

a fren pointed out.. was it cox i had lesser bad luck.. so no news means good news.. (thats only true for me.. haha).. nope.. it just means.. i am being 'bullied' by fate (hospitalise etc, so no access to computers) and the residents (temporary madness; ripping my hair and hence had to glued them back on.. so takes time to glue, no time to write)..

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

and it seems to creep back..

good luck it seems come and goes.. but bad luck sticks to u.... creepin in every now and then, just a matter of the differing degrees of how suay u can get.

Scene 1
was told a zillion times that my bad luck is contagious.. this is the scenario..
was at the east.. met a fren for lunch. there are 2 food courts in the shoppin centre. he wanted the one above. so up the escalator we went.. but alas.. it was closed.. it was under renovation!! all my time there.. recently just under-went a face-lift.. everything's pretty much refurbished.. so it was weird that that food court needed renovating.. as usual.. the blame comes to me..

Scene 2..
was my day off.. so headed to the bank to settle my accounts.. i needed to put money into the bank as well.. so i lined up for like 30-45 mins.. lunch-time crowd.. so expected the crowd anyway.. so was prepared to wait.. when it was my turn; mine was a very simple transaction, just needed to deposit the money and update my bank-book; i was told by the lady that i should have use their cash deposit machine instead.. i could have saved my time!! alamak!! i didnt know that there was one.. then she went on to say, the machines are pretty new and they had just had them too.. aiyoh.. i felt dumb, played out.. how i know?!!!

Scene 3
handled a major event recently; Mothers Day.. i was in-charge of a women's committee.. so.. duh.. of course Mothers Day would be under me.. it was big affair that i had been busy with for April and May.. so many preparations to do.. the expected crowd was 500 and the Minister was comin too.. so.. I HAVE TO DO A GOOD JOB!! it was time to prove myself.. haha...
so everything went on smoothly.. except for the occasional bombarding of questions by the residents and the senior citizens... note: i work in the CC.. so the people are meet and deal with are from the heartlanders.. can u imagine the 'noise pollution'... gosh.. but ok lah.. they can be demanding but also very friendly..

maybe its due to my age.. i kinda always get overshadowed by the Aunties who were supposed to run the show.. its quite hard sometimes to get myself heard.. (1. I already lose out to their voices.. they are used to market shopping, thats why.. 2. I dont really know dialects.. 3. I am young and inexperienced..). so it can be a torture to take charge of things... so instead of being the overall officier-in-charge (people listen to me), i became the overall caretaker (i do everything)... became the runner for the whole event..

strangely.. i became the only one through-out the event doing errands.. didnt had the chance to eat.. gosh.. it was a sit-down dinner.. so.. everytime i was back at my seat, the dishes were changed.. gosh.. luckily.. kind souls on my table fed me.. haha.. they helped put food on my plate.. but really.. no one seem to be running the show.. so, i took charge of it.. spoke to the emcee, liase with the timing of the food served out, getting the singers and participants to stage, being the time-keeper etc.. gosh.. wat a mad rush.. maybe its also because of its MOTHERS DAY.. all my memebrs in the committee are.. mothers.. so they are taking a break.. so its all up to me.. everyone could see me running up and down the hall; covering the whole hall. i had the most name attached that night too.. from, 'eh' to 'mei mei' to 'oei' to 'jennifer' to 'can i ask u'... alamak.. so many things to cover..

so the dinner was finally coming to a close.. thought i could relax and slow down my pace.. but alas.. something happened.. i just couldnt end my day without a bang, can't I.. my sanddal strap broke.. gosh.. i had to go barefooted..ahhhhhhhh....... the embarrassment.. it was a dinner.. a pretty high-class one too especially for a community club.. hiaz.. many seemed to notice that.. went back to my table and hid my feet under the skirtings.. but.. i wasnt spared a few minutes of rest... i was called to do work again.. and now.. even more people knew.. worst still, the Minister saw me with oout my shoes and asked, 'i thought u had shoes on?' aiyo... only could say.. 'yup, i did have it.. but it broke. hehe'.. wat kind of impression am i setting!!!

so.. the days of my lives continues.. actually, these misfortunes aint that bad.. and not quite up to my standard too.. it can could have been worse..

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Voting Day

its my first tiem voting.. yay??!! hmmm.. was actually excited that i could vote.. but when i found out that i would have to either go early to vote or wait till later but get start in the queue, i started to have second thoughts about wanting to go voting...

it didnt help that it rained early in the morning. gosh.. so much wanted to sleep in.. but the thought that i had to queue up and then watch my life wasted away, forced myself out of bed.. washed up and made my way to teh polling station.. thank god, its nearby.. well within walking distance, less then 200m, i think.

i'm normally at my blurrest when i just woke up.. easiest to be manipulated.. then again.. when i'm real sleepy too.. i tend to blare out the truths incoherently. so iots gd that i was led all the way to where i had to vote. there were signs all along the way. even if u missed it, there were strings tied around to make sure u walk straight as well. so u cant lose your way..

was feelin at a loss when i was given my card. at that moment, just couldnt make up my mind to vote.. in the end.. 'VOTING IS SECRET'. did what i had to do and off i went.

was stopped on my tracks. just outside the polling station. by a reporter... from the straits times.. was cornered.. she simply blocked the way to my home. agreed to do an interview cox i saw her standing outside the sch for quite a some time already and was under the rain too.. wanted to loan her my umbrella initially but didnt know if she was waiting for someone to pick her up or not.. then i'll be left with no umbrella home.. and would be cursing that she had a car and i had to walk!!

so gave my frank views through out the interview.. as said.. i am still sleepy and will do watever that is correct and truthful at tat time.. bet she had loads of great qoutes cox she asked for me pic.. and then it hit me.. when she asked for my occupation.. gosh.. due to my work nature.. i actually cant give me views and comments on polling and the whole election thingy.. alamak.. in for it.. she kept pressing me for details.. and guess watl.. i am wide awake already.. so i lied.... gosh.. but earlier gave her my real name and my surname's pretty unique too.. and to think i actually spelt it out for her.. wat was i doin.. on;y a month into the job and i am so messed up.. after the rejection to the photo and occupation details.. i scooted off.. was in panic.. called my colleague for help..

saw the papers the very next day.. luckily.. i didnt sound like i was taking any sides.. was very neutral. heng.. so again.. i have stuck my foot into my mouth.. i cant seem to control myself at times.. whivh is very bad!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


i was taught a lesson abt politics pne day by my fellow collegue.. i was overwhelmed with the knowledge and experience that he gathered. didnt know that it was like this or like that. the world is ugly but we dont see it.. we are living in a world of illusion but because we choose to. the changes in the world are due to our increasing demands to 'improve' our lives.. but are the demands always for the greater good?? not really.. we are self-centred beings. we demand for ourselves.. when there are reversed effects, we blame others.. remember, for every solution thought and implemented, a problem would arise because of the change.. we can never comne full circle.

why are there laws??
because there are complains. the laws were implemented to safe-guard the people's interests. its is because of their demands that there are rules to protect them, to give in to their demands. hence, can we say, its the fault of the ruling party that we have become such a rigid country, such a non-democratic country??

its the people who actually demand for such laws.. y no naked bodies shown on tv.. people would cry foul and say its pornography.. when u point a finger at someone, u mux remember that another 4 fingers point back at u. we are who we are because we allowed it, permitted this ruling. ie, we are wat we eat.

why is there an opposition?
because there are loopholes in the system.. in other words, they are groups of people who come together, band together because they are ANGRY with the dominant party. they just wanna disagree with the ruling party. lets faced it, they are doing ok.. and there are surely good points that we should highlight too.. but, NO. as typical Singaporeans, we just wanna focus on the bad. never give credit when its due. we are like that.. only willing to dig at the bad but refuse to accept the good. if the opposition and their supporters are a bunch of ANGRY people who lets emotions cloud their minds, their decisions and even their policies.. are we safe? is then an opposition a police in the system or a threat to the system.

instead, there shouldnt be an opposition. they should be called the non-ruling party who has their own ideals, their own policies.. admit that the ruling party has their plus points that naturally comes with their flaws. we cannot have a ruling party that has a flaw.. hello, u are running a country here.. a mistake is very costly.. look at Indonesia... (Suharto era)... instead of fighting every word and digging up everything said and done during the 9 days of campaigning and the weeks just before nomination day (James Gomez, i also dunno what's he doing??!!!). focus on the real issues.. dont be angry about those stuff.. no.. i am not askin the non-ruling party to not retaliate cox if they dont, they are admitting that it is their fault. when u are angry, things are never done properly. same goes to the ruling party, u have your pluses, work on it.. and not on this..

politics requires high-handedness.. IT IS A MUST.. or how can u run a country, how can u rid of threats, how do u prove your worth and your integrity? we may think its unfair but if u were in the same position, would u not do the same? eg, someone says u are a liar, u ar in politics. if u dont clear the air, u would lose creditability, u would lose power. u are answerable now not just your family but the whole country. the whole world wants your ans. u have to give one. one that just beats a word of apology. proof and evidence have to be clawed out. so a court case it becomes. its inevitable!!!

its actually the people who gives power to the government.. the arm-chair critics who gives their 2 cents worth of everything who vote as well.. the government is needed to run the country, for now, in our country, we dont see that the ruling party is doing it for their own vested interest, wnereby they lined their own pockets; corruption. yet, we are still skeptical.. voting is an emotional thing, hence the rallies that are spoken mainly in the languages/dialects that can appeal to the ground, touch the people. we are afterall beings that are substained by the heart.. but do think, let your conscious comes through,, VOTE WISELY!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

my hand is still sore

why?? cox of that plug that was inserted into my left hand the other time.. try feel for your vein or mayb even try to 'pull' it up... bet u cant really feel it.. but for my let hand, i can literally 'pick' up my vein.. the same vein that was jabbed with all the medicine.. it feels like a small, jelly-like branch..

i can understand that its still sore cox if the plug and everythin i had to go through then. so its still bruised and swollen.. why then.. did the stupid mosquito chose to bite on that hand!! bet it wasnt just 1 bite but a couple times cos it itches alot.. now the vein's even more swollen.. and it hurts to scratch that area cox its all bruised up. so to scratch it, u are like rubbling the wound!! pain... itchy but u cant scratch.. if u do, u would irritate the vein and feel pain.. wat a trap!!

is it really me??!! i dug up my borth certificate to sho wthat i wasnt born on friday the 13th.. then why these?!! (note: its in plural not singular.. so u can see how suay i am..)....

What is my job actually?

am i spy or an ally? do i wanna do it? am i forced against my will?!! is it right?

I had to run down a fleet of stairs today, knock on people’s doors and tell them who and who’s coming.. (again, I cant say wat was given out, for what I did it and who was it that was meeting them.). i ran floors after floors, from blocks to blocks. gosh.. what was the architecture thinkin??!! wat lousy design was that?? why are the flats made that way?? can u imagine some levels with lifts but only serving 2 houses? and if u leave in the extreme ends of the flats, you have to use the staircases! and the corridors dont link, meaning that if u were to use the extreme right staircase to climb up, u wont be able to get to the other extreme end. u would only be able to get to the middle, then use the lift to go down then climb up the stairs of the other extreme end to get to your house!! its like having 3 individual blocks in a block of flat!!

wat a meaningless design!! seriously, why such a design?!! to train the residents' fitness??!! no wonder all the talk about wanting to have lifts to stop at every level... but with such designs, you would need 3 sets of lifts at each wing!! do u think its really worth it??!! 1 set of lift just to serve 2 houses at each level. wat a waste of money and time!!

with my description of the dumb flat design, can u imagine how many times i had to run up and down the flat to do my errand??!! some flats were bigger, not just in terms of height but also in width, hence more 'blocks' within the block. 3 mini 'blocks' mean 3 times, up and down i have to run. at first, there were loads of helpers, but as time passed, more and more filed out.. they just disappeared.. being the youngest and the newest, i was 'promoted' to be the advanced party, meaning, i had to run first and do the reporting!! now.. why did my leg heal so fast.. ahahaahaaahh!!!!!

because of my 'sparkling' performance, i was specially requested to go on for another few blocks.. man.. did i ever say i hated running!! and to run stairs.. alamak!!

after the errand.... rest time?? FAT HOPE!! next, i had to 'serve' the other helpers.. WHAT!! i think i did most work!! yes, they did help.. but really!! FREELOADERS!! so i was asked to buy snacks; curry puffs, spring rolls etc.. of course, i wasnt dump the whole thing.. just that my boss was told to do so, and the instruction was just travelling downwards... (recall... i am new... ). i was treated like a maid!! a waitress!! serving them the snacks and to think i had to take orders to buy drinks and they even instructed me about their choices!! @#$%^&.... and to think i recieved a msg from my 'bestest' fren that said that we resemble whoever who takes cares of us when we are young!! yes, i was cared for by my maid and of course my parents too!! and my auntie and my grandparents.. so really... i should have bits an pieces of them too... @#$%^&

what is my job scope now?? i cant answer the qns i posted earlier... i cant answer this as well.. hiaz... but i wont deny, i did kinda enjoy the process of the errands.. opened my eyes to many issues... i wanna disagree but i cant.. i wanna agree but i must make it sound right..

Monday, May 01, 2006

to think i was given a lucky charm!!!

Xiaowei actually given me a lucky charm last saturday when we met for dinner!! guess she started to pity me already for the stupid accidents i am getting myself into... BUT REALLY!! XIAOWEI??!!! the one who has been 'cursing' me, 'jinxing; me with every bad spell she could find inthe spellbook, actually made the effort to get me a 4-clove leave key-chain.. haaa... THANKS!! really... my new resolution is just to be lucky... to be able to walk without tripping, slipping, eating without choking or gaping for air.. is a miracle!! haha... but really, normal peaceful things to me is a sign of a change of luck.. things that are normally taken for granted by others, are not common to me!!!

i implore more of such lucky charms... haa.. especially those who travels around, my 'interest' now is to collect all types of lucky charms.. DONT U DARE GIVE ME A BAD ONE!! haha.. have mercy..