told a little fib last week during my interview which remainds me of an incident that took place quite a some time. i was so brutally honest in most of the qns that i had to lie on this one just doesnt make sense. i was asked many questions druing the interview.
eg.1. Scenario qn
--qn: if u were selected to go for the
SEA (South-East Asia) Games or the
Olympics (this is huge), but the competition would be clashing with your job as u need to prepare an event for some bigshot minister, what would u do? which would u choose?
--my ans:
SEA Games/
Olympics is a dream, a life-long dream for an archer or any athletes, shaking hands and taking pictures with a minister is my job... Dreams are sweet and rarely do come thru, i am sorry to say, i would choose to go for my games... (NOTE: THIS IS A JOB INTERVIEW.. and i choose to say such stuff.. hiaz..) however, these games only come either every 2 years or 4 years, i would be able to cover my duties as a manager for those events. its all abt time managing. (desperate line to say 'gosh, i am sorry.. pls give me a chance!!' *blink blink*).
so i chose archery over my bread and water.. now its left to my panel of interviewers to chose either me or the other candidates... CHOOSE ME!! i had been bombarded by frens on y do i have to say such stuff.. interviews are meant to test your commitment and your ability to churn out politically correct ans in tight situations.. wats up, jen??!! this ans may well flush my chances down the toliet bowl.. this is only one of the questons that i answered why archery is more important to me etc etc..
and weirdly i lied on another qns..
--qn: Do u mind travellin?
--ans: not really, but would prefer to stay in the East (real reason: i stay in the East side..). because i would like to able to lend a hand to the various
Sea Sorts Club located in the East side (partially true.. really.. i still love sports.. working with any sports does make my day).
--qn: O really?? which sea sports to u play? for how long?
--ans: i do
windsurfing (
True), for abt 1.5 years (
FALSE!! its been like 1.5 years since i last did windsurfing instead.. with all my injuries ranging from back, finger to foot, how can i still balance on a board??)
i only did
windsurfing only once!! haa.. went to pick it up with 3 or 4 other frens. it was an introductory course.. a sports sucker like me would try anythin new and it was a chance to spend quality time with some of my frens. it was my grp of JC frens, 1 came specially down from another U to join us.. wat a story this trip became..
the introductory course abt $45 (thats what i think i recalled). so the bunch of us were excited abt this sport and met early at the
Sea Sports Club at
East Coast. we had to be paired up and help each other balance on the borads once we brought our boards to the sea. at first none of us were quite successful. its really not easy standing on the board and holding the mast as well... so we kept falling and slipping and tripping (on the rope on the mast) into the water.. *splash*!! drank lotsa sea water. imagine a bunch of gals falling of a board and hardly moving out of or 5 metre boundary, near the shoreline.. quite a sad sight.. i think its rather comical instead.. i couldnt help but to laugh at my frens akward falls.. i was even giving out scores from 1-10 abt the way they were fallin off their boards.
i manged to get the hang of it after awhile. i think it was thanks to
archery that made my arms alittle more stronger than my mates. i was starting to move some distance. but couldnt really turn the mast around so as to go back. so my only way of stoppin was to drop the mast and jump into the water and drag back my board... so after like 3 metres out, but wtilll within our boundary, i did just that. my partner walked on the shallow sea bed towards me so as to help me drag back the board.. ALAS.. she started screamin while walkin towards me.. she was stung by something... her whole foot was in a numb state and her toe was starting to swell.. she was bitten by a catfish.. and guess wat.. whe was wearing her sports sandals.. so that fish really knew the designs of our sandals and chose the right spot to bite.. she was very near the shoreline where she was bitten.. (my power of suai-ness?? no.. purely coincidence!!).
together with the instructor, we brought her to the docs.. was getting worried as i learned that the sting was a poisonous one. so she was given a jab and was sent to my house ( i live very near the beach) to rest. called her bf and her ex (she's still very close to her ex.. good frens.) abt her accident.. b4 i knew it.. her ex came.. feelin like a bright bulb.. i decided to go back to my course where my the other 2 frens were still struggling..
the board was all mine.. without a partner, i had more time to use the board... and i must say. i was getting very good with it. i was moving much better and moore stable. the wind was very much stronger too... the instructor was paying more attention to my other 2 frens.. sooooo... i went on the board and started to surf away.. i went further and further away, deep into the sea.. my frens were becoming smaller and smaller. its really fun when u are surfing fast and far. i just quite going and going.. till... i realised i was little too far away from my frens... and also, i didnt know how to cahnge directions becos i am not very good with turning the mast without falling down.. u know, when u are far out in the sea. the winds seems very much stronger.. so imagine u trying to flip a huge pece of canvas in the opposite direction.. ok..
wind 1, jen 0. i was blown off and down i went with my mast.
its so much more difficult to climb abt onto the board when u are in deep waters as compared to when u are near the coastline. so just clung onto the board and hoped that my frens and instructor would realise my small figure from far had been reduced to half. indeed, my instructor came to the rescue on his surf board. so cool.. when he sauvely maneuvered his board towards me.. then together, we tried to get me onto my board... either i'm too fat or the uneven waters that is not giving any leverage to help hostle myself up the board. so..
plan 1.. failed.. the instructor saw that this was a hopeless situation.. so he went back and say he'l get me a canoe instead..

plan 2...
left hanging on my board, the canoe came.. it seems he couldnt find a 2-seater one.. so he got a 1-seater kayak.. kayaks are narrower than canoes.. so less surface area for floating and harder to balance.. he told me to grab the tail of the kayak and the other hand on the surf board.. so i was like the link between the 2.. seriously, what was he thinkin?? it sounded funny but i was in need of help so decided not to argue.. did as he told.. as he paddled, i was having a hard time keepin my grips on the 2; kayak and board. it was quite slippery and my hand werent exactly like King Kong's. so when i adjusted my grip on the kayak, i let loose of the board.. then it was me and the kayak moving, leaving the board behind.. this was a bad solution. he realised it..

plan 3..
we swopped our stuff, he took the surf board, i took the kayak.. better move.. (not perfect, my story still continues..).. we were doing alright until, i turned around to look for him.. lost my balance.... I CAPSIZED!! hiaz.. shouted for my instructor. u see.. my instructor is not very big-sized..mayb becox it was a class of 4 and were gals, they need not send some bulky guy to conduct the course.. but they didnt see that the namelist had me.. so we were trying in vain to get the kayak back to position.. (remember, i was very far out at sea.. very.. so even after like 5 mins of paddling on the kayak.. i was still very far out..) give up.. weak liao.. very weak.. we were out of breathe and strength..

plan 4...
he took the surf board and surfed back to base. and i was left dangling in sea.. this time with an up-side down kayak.. then i heard a loud horn.... a speed boat appeared from the sea sports centre, heading in my direction.. in it was my instuctor and a guys driving the boat. they hooked the kayak to the boat and had my lifted up the boat.. yes... saved.. at last..
back at shore.. my frens were laughing at me after i told them wat happened. they were worried at first.. mayb should hav left it that way.. i seldom get sympathetic consoles. wat an 'adventure'!! for $45 i got to do a crash course on all the sea sports that is to offer.. 1. wind-surfing, 2. kayakin, 3. 'wake-boarding' styled... but instead of a speed boat and being on a board.. i was the link between the kayak and the board.., 4. sat a speed boat...
its me and my life again...